Joshua and his wife |
But, what’s the price for constant comfort anyway? Here are some thoughts on that:
When I got out of college, I wanted to be as comfortable as possible. Have a good job, see my friends, and eventually find a lucky lady to call my own. Because that’s what my version of comfort looked like: little to no adversity. So when I took my first job - an insurance analyst - I knew this job would help me get closer to that goal. Decent pay with decent hours equaled a decent living. Again, trying my best to be “comfortable.”
However, being an insurance analyst was probably last on my list of jobs-I’d-like-to-have-after-graduation. And yet, six years later I found myself doing the same thing. All for the sake of being comfortable. But, then it happened: I felt something taking over me. All of my comforts started to feel...well, boring.
But, why? What was boring about getting what I wanted? Then an epiphany hit me, like a lightning bolt straight to my heart. I didn’t feel alive. I wasn’t being tested; wasn’t being challenged. I wasn’t facing adversity. That was the difference. The one thing I thought I didn't need was what I needed all along.
So, here’s the deal: comfortable can feel great, but it won’t last forever. Ultimately, it’s a stagnant place in time. It’s like digging a hole and standing in it. Eventually you’ll want out, even if it’s comfortable down there. But, the climb might seem daunting. Too high. Too rocky. Too difficult. But, you have to. Why? Because you already know what it’s like in the hole. Why not climb out and see what the surface looks like?
I say all this because when I finally decided to face adversity, I became a writer. And for me, that was the right choice. Now, I write to inspire and entertain people. For others, it could be taking up a new hobby. A change in scenery. Or maybe a single trip you’ve always wanted to make. The possibilities are endless. But, what matters most is that you find what makes your heart come alive. That’s the key. That’s the reward for being comfortably uncomfortable the rest of your days.
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